Planning to buy or sell a country home? Know what to look out for!

Certainly, many have dreamed of their own country home or cottage, where they can escape from the city noise. ELUM real estate agent Piret Pall has been involved in the sale of several cottages and country homes during her career and knows how to give recommendations in this area to both buyers and sellers.
There are different buyers of country houses – there are those who want a country house to live in all year round, but also those who are only looking for a summer home where they can go on vacation from time to time. There are also entrepreneurs whose desire is to bring both production and residence together on one property.
At the beginning of the pandemic, the demand for housing in rural areas increased, and it can be said that the interest has not really subsided until now. People’s values have changed and privacy and security are valued more and more. Therefore, more and more people are also considering giving up their city apartment and actually moving to the countryside.
Buying a country home should be a well thought out decision
If the desire is to buy an old farm building, it must be made clear what risks may be involved in its restoration. The whole truth about the building will only be revealed during the renovation, which is why it would be wise to involve an expert in the pre-purchase inspection, who can give an overview of the actual condition of the building.
In the case of undetected areas of concern, the buyer may expect a longer than planned time spent in restoring the buildings, as a result of which the entire construction may become significantly more expensive. There have also been cases where the whole process becomes too much for the buyer and they have to start looking for new owners. As a result, many families have chosen a cheaper and easier-to-maintain small house for the summer instead of fixing up old farmhouses.
This has also happened with newer houses. People have built a summer home outside the city and soon put the house up for sale, because they don’t know how to take into account the time spent and the double responsibilities of owning two homes in a new living arrangement. Nowadays, the pace of people’s lives is different, and many people come to the country house first of all with the desire to relax, and it is not recommended to spend the time intended for rest on fussing over the garden and the house.
However, according to the realtor, there are also those for whom this kind of life is just right and additional obligations do not become an obstacle. The farms have changed beyond recognition in a few years – the buildings are tidy, the outdoor areas are blooming and the owners are happy. They adjust their lives and come away from the city for a longer period of time with their activities. ”
Acquiring a country home
According to the realtor, country homes are searched for and sold all year round, so it’s always worth keeping your eyes open if you’re interested. However, the general condition of both the house and the property plays a role here. In the case of larger properties where the buyer plans to start farming in the future, it is good to get to know the property at different times of the year. This helps to get, for example, a better overview of the soil or the insulation of the house.
To each their own
There are different preferences when choosing a country home and they concern both the building itself and its surroundings. From the urban people’s point of view, a country home has to be special in order to invest in it. The location is definitely number one – who is looking for proximity to the sea and who is looking for complete isolation in the form of a forest. Often, however, you don’t want the drive to the country home to take several hours, while for obvious reasons, you don’t want to look for a summer home right next to the city.
In the fishing and beach villages, the properties are smaller, but since properties there rarely move, it is a sought-after area with few offers and very short-term sales. It is clear that the more exclusive the area, the faster the sales.
Documentation and building register information in order
Every purchase and sale transaction is made faster and easier if the documents related to real estate are correct. For example, you have to make sure that the building is entered in the building register, that there are no unregistered outbuildings or other facilities, and that there is either public access to the property or a road easement.
However, in the case of access, it should be ensured in advance that there are no verbal agreements, which have worked in the case of long-term neighborly relations, but which may cause problems for the new owner. This applies, for example, to wells shared with neighbors.
It also often happens that the building is built in a construction ban area – either closer to a body of water than allowed or to a neighboring property, etc. Also, in the case of major renovations, it is necessary to apply for occupancy notices or occupancy permits, which can take time to obtain and significantly extend the sales process.
Several problems have arisen, for example, in the case of inheritances. Often, one is not aware of what has been done on the plot and what has not. Sometimes the real estate is seen for the first time only when you want to start selling the property. At this point, a realtor can help, if necessary, to find out all the necessary information so that the building can later be sold to the new owner on the right grounds. The realtor’s active cooperation with local authorities makes the whole process more convenient for the seller. ”
Location and public transport
The existence of public transport is important when living in the countryside, but over the years there have been certain changes in people’s habits. Since people have mostly driven cars, the distance between major centers and the property to be purchased is no longer decisive when making the final purchase decision.
Read more: Plan to build or buy a new house? A real estate agent knows what to look for!
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