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6 tips to help increase the value of real estate

janely buht kinnisvara maakler
Posted by Janely Buht on 25/11/2022

Real estate valuation is a multifaceted process influenced by many factors beyond the control of the owner. However, you can do a lot on your own to increase the value of the property. ELUM Real Estate professional realtor Janely Buht shares recommendations.

1. Towards a higher property value with a good real estate agent

It is extremely important to find a realtor with whom communication goes smoothly and mutual trust develops. The experience of a realtor is also not insignificant, because previous knowledge comes in handy at almost every step and helps to solve difficult situations. For example, they can be helpful in increasing the value of real estate because they have a large network of contacts and a thorough overview of the market. As a result, the realtor may come up with a lot of suggestions on how to bring the apartment to a profitable deal. ”

2. Small interior finish, but high efficiency

A warm recommendation is to bring the apartment back to life by replacing the broken moldings, washing or painting the dirty walls, cleaning the bathroom joints and other details that improve the overall impression. First impressions are important, and every little beauty flaw can shape a potential buyer’s decision. A small investment in the form of interior decoration can significantly contribute to completing the transaction and increasing the value of the property.

3. Interior design and landscaping in the formation of the first impression

When selling an apartment or a house, you don’t have to make a major change in the furnishings, but the interior design also plays an important role in shaping the value of the property. It is worth starting from the purity of style and the fact that the apartment or house has been thoughtfully furnished and that the excess furniture has been removed. The home could look so cozy that a person could imagine themself moving in right away. However, there are certainly situations where it is preferred that the home is like a clean canvas where you can do everything as you see fit.

However, with residential buildings, landscaping is definitely a big bonus, which creates a beautiful whole of the home. It is also worth tidying up the garden before putting the house up for sale by removing unnecessary garden items or furniture that you plan to take with you or that do not add value.

4. High-quality sales photos

The realtor orders a photographer who takes high-quality photos that show the good side of the home. Here it is worth bearing in mind that there are different types of photographers and not all of them specialize in capturing real estate.

When taking photos, it is important that the home is clean, tidy and, if possible, well-lit. A pleasant atmosphere can be created with small interior elements – be it flowers, a book or a blanket placed on a chair. However, it is important to avoid an overabundance of things by clearing the room of unnecessary personal items. More detailed instructions are usually shared by the photographer. Good pictures help increase the value of the property.

5. A well-thought-out sales ad

The sales advertisement should be correct, clean in language and easy to understand. Descriptions could be detailed and well articulated. It is also important to point out the real estate’s strengths and remain honest. When writing a sales ad, it is worth thinking about who could settle there – is it a house intended for a larger family or a one-room apartment for a student instead? Consequently, the strengths of the neighborhood should be highlighted, such as developed infrastructure, larger stores, and nearby kindergartens and schools.

6. Proper documentation

Transparency of information is very important in a successful sales transaction, speeding up the process and increasing the value of the property in the eyes of the buyer. It is worth making sure that the building has the necessary occupancy permit and if there have been major changes in the plan, so that they are legalized. Proper documentation helps to avoid further misunderstandings and saves the nerves of the parties in the transaction.


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