Müügile on tulnud 48,4 m2 päikesepoolse terrassiga südalinna kodu.
Seda imeilusat skandinaaviapärast kodu iseloomustab valgusküllasus, hea planeering, vaikus, erinevad mugavused, vesipõrandaküte, soojustagastusega ventilatsioon ning kvaliteetne siseviimistlus.
Korteri koosseisu kuulub
– esik, kus on olemas integreeritud garderoobikapp;
– valgusküllane avatud köögiga elutuba, kust pääseb rõdule ja terrassile;
– 5,1 m2 õhtupäikesega rõdu;
– 48,4 m2 päikesepoolne terrass;
– Kaks magamistuba;
– vanniga vannituba;
– läbimõeldud majapidamisruum;
Korteri hinna sees on parkimiskoht garaazis ja panipaik (1,8m2). Tegemist eraldi korteriomanditega.
Selle modernse B-energiaklassi päiksepaneelidega korterelamus on oma gaasikatel. Arved on olnud järgmised:
Juuli 2023 a. 128,81 eurot
November 2023 a. 211,57 eurot
Detsember 2023 a. 269,47 eurot
Jaanuar 2024 a. 297,01 eurot
Tartu mnt 69a kortermaja paikneb tänapäevase aega väärtustava inimese jaoks suurepärases asukohas, kuna lähedusse jäävad paljud teenused ja head transpordiühendused ülejäänud linnaga. Jalutuskäigu kaugusel on trammi-ja bussipeatused, Stockmanni kaubanduskeskus, Keskturg, Kadrioru park ja Sikupilli kaubanduskeskus.
Maja asukoht on vaikses kaunilt haljastatud sisehoovis, kus teised piirkonna majad moodustavad antud krundi ümber müratõkke.
Kui armastad nautida terrassimõnusid ja tahad elada südalinnas, siis helista ja lähme korterit vaatama!
An amazing home in the heart of the city with a sunny 48,4 m2 terrace has come up for sale.
This beautiful Scandinavian home is characterized by lot of light, good layout, quietness, various amenities, water floor heating, ventilation with heat recovery and high-quality interior design.
The apartment consists of:
– a hallway with an integrated wardrobe;
– bright living room with an open kitchen, from which you can access to the balcony and terrace;
– 5.1 m2 balcony with evening sun;
– 48.4 m2 sunny terrace;
– two bedrooms;
– bathroom with bathtub;
– well-thought-out utility room;
The price of the parking place in the garage 20 000 euros and a price of the storage room 5000 euros will be added to the apartment price. Parking and storage are separate apartment ownerships.
Tartu mnt 69a is a modern apartment building with energy class B with solar panels and with own gas heating system.
The invoices with electricity have been as follows:
July 2023 – 128.81 euros
November 2023 – 211.57 euros
December 2023 – 269.47 euros
January 2024 – 297.01 euros
The apartment building at Tartu mnt 69a is located in an excellent location for a person who appreciates time, as it is close to many services and good transport connections with the rest of the city. Tram and bus stops, Stockmann shopping center, Keskturg, Kadrioru park and Sikupilli shopping center are within walking distance.
The location of the house is in a quiet, beautifully landscaped courtyard, where other houses in the area create a noise barrier around the yard.
If you love to enjoy the pleasures of the terrace and live in the heart of the city, call and let’s see this beautiful apartment!